Francis Bacon: Revelations
The Sunday Independent (Ireland): Magnificent, monumental
Mary O’Sullivan, “Monumental portrait of the art of being Francis Bacon,” The Sunday Independent (Ireland), January 24 2021.
The Financial Times: An incomparable resource
Christian House, “The Enigma of Francis Bacon,” The Financial Times, January 21, 2021.
The Observer: A captivating triumph
“[M]agnificent…. I was captivated by every line…. This book’s great achievement is that it does not confuse flexibility in the matter of relationships with insincerity, nor ravenous desire with decadence. Bacon, you come to understand, was fundamentally serious and fundamentally loving.”
Rachel Cooke. “Francis Bacon: Revelations by Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan review – a captivating triumph.” Observer Book of the Week, The Guardian, January 17, 2021.
Note: This review appeared in the print edition of The Observer and online at The Guardian.
The Times (UK): Definitive
“[W]here this biography soars above rivals is where its authors … probe beneath the façade … and analyse what lay beneath the mask…. This is a biography that … must surely count as definitive.”
Subscription required.
Rachel Campbell-Johnston. “Francis Bacon by Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan review — the iconoclast who found glory in squalor.” The Times, January16, 2021.
The Sunday Times (UK): Comprehensive & Compelling
Michael Prodger, “Francis Bacon by Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan, review — a life of shock and excess,” The Sunday Times, January 10, 2021.
Kirkus Starred Review: Unflinching
“Bacon once ‘remarked that it would take a Proust’ to do him justice. Hyperbole, to be sure, but Stevens and Swan are up to the task of demonstrating the many complexities of an intense, significant artistic life.… An unflinching portrayal of an often unwieldy character—further proof of Bacon’s enduring influence.”
“Review: Francis Bacon: Revelations,” Starred Review, Kirkus, November 24, 2020.